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The ICL represents a break­through in lens implant technology that now allows many Phoenix patients to achieve independence from their glasses or contact lenses.

What Makes Moretsky Cassidy ICL Surgery Different?

Dr. Cassidy is highly experienced and an expert ICL surgeon, having performed this procedure since 2005. We use an advanced pre-op testing method referred to as ultrasonic biomicroscopy or “UBM” to help improve outcomes. Only select ICL centers utilize this unique technology to measure the internal dimensions of the eye to assist in correctly choosing the most appropriate ICL size implanted. Although not required by the FDA or Staar (the ICL company), this additional testing is highly useful in ICL selection and diagnosing internal ocular structure variations not otherwise identified.

What is the ICL?

The ICL is an Implantable Corrective Lens that works with the eye to correct vision. Unlike traditional contact lenses that go on the surface of the eye, the ICL is surgically positioned inside the eye between the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the natural lens where it stays indefinitely. The ICL has been implanted over a million times world wide. It is available for near sightedness with and without astigmatism. ICL does not cause or contribute to dry eyes.

Technologically Advanced Lens Material

Unlike other lenses, the ICL is made from Collamer, a technologically advanced lens material. Because of the collagen in Collamer, it is biocompatible with the eye (not seen as a foreign object to the body) and provides exceptional quality of vision. The lens rests quietly in position while accurately correcting vision. The ICL is the best choice for a lens that may remain inside your eye for a lifetime.

Corrects a wide range of vision needs

The Toric ICL was recently FDA approved to also correct astigmatism in addition to myopia. The Toric ICL has been available outside the U.S. for several years. We are pleased to announce that the Toric ICL is now offered at Moretsky Cassidy Vision Correction.

If you are between 21 and 45 and nearsighted, you may be an excellent candidate for the ICL. lt is preferable that you have had no previous eye surgery or history of ophthalmic disease, such as glaucoma, iritis, or diabetes.

Almost anyone who is nearsighted, seeking clearer vision may be a good ICL candidate including those with special or extreme vision correction needs. There may be special circumstances where LASIK is not indicated and ICL may be an ideal alternative.

Thin or irregular Corneas

The cornea is the curved transparent portion on the front surface of the eye. The ICL does not have an effect on the structure of the cornea and may be appropriate if you have thin or irregular corneas.

Dry Eyes

ICL does not cause or contribute to dry eyes. If you have severe dry eyes, the ICL may be the best vision correction option for you.

Extreme Refractive Error

If your glasses are so thick that you are beyond the range of LASIK.

The ICL Surgery Process

Prior to Surgery (1 to 2 Weeks): Your doctor will schedule a procedure to prepare your eye for implantation of the ICL. This is necessary to ensure the fluid inside your eye flows properly after your surgery. Dr. Moretsky or Dr. Cassidy will make tiny openings in the colored portion of the eye with a laser beam. On this day, have a driver because you will be blurry after the treatment, for several hours.

The Day of Surgery: Again, do not drive yourself on this day because you may be sedated. Prior to implantation, you will receive anesthetic eye drops or a local anesthetics to minimize any discomfort. A sedative may be administered to relax you. Then Dr. Moretsky or Dr. Cassidy will create two micro openings in the edge of your cornea that will be used to insert and position the lens. Next the lens is injected, gently unfolding in your eye. The recovery time is very short.

After Surgery (Just a few days): To complete the procedure, the Surgeon will provide a prescription for eyedrops to help prevent infection and inflammation. You will continue to use these drops for several days once you are home. Follow-up appointments will be required.

ICL Advantages

There are many unique advantages to the ICL.

High Definition Vision: For years, the only method of permanent vision correction that didn’t involve glasses or contact lenses was corrective laser eye surgery. With the advent of the ICL, however, that’s all changed.

Designed to be Permanent, Yet Is Removable: One of the important advantages of the ICL is that while it is designed to permanently correct your vision, the lens can be removed if necessary. Also, concerns involving the cornea typically do not apply to the ICL, as no natural corneal tissue is permanently removed or reshaped in any way during implantation.

The ICL is Invisible and Undetectable

ICL does not cause or contribute to dry eyes

Short Recovery Time: The recovery for the ICL is quick and typically pain ­free, and may be as little as one day, due to the very small size of the opening required. Patients typically experience minimal discomfort, and many times go back to work the next day.

Excellent Safety Profile: The ICL has an excellent safety profile compared to other procedures, with a patient satisfaction rate of over 99%. Since 1997, over half a million ICL procedures have been performed Worldwide.

ICL Performance

When nothing less than ultimate vision performance will do, super athletes and elite U.S. Military personnel choose the ICL. Why? Because they have a choice, and they want advanced technology for their individual vision needs, for their best in performance.

Superior Technology for Super Athletes

Tom Danielson: In 2011, top U.S. Professional Cyclist, Torn Danielson had the ICL procedure to correct his vision. Danielson struggled to see with contact lenses and suffered from severe dry eye. After the ICL procedure, Danielson now has better than 20/20 vision, and it has helped him to elevate his performance substantially in one of the most physically and mentally demanding endurance sports. Soon after his ICL procedure, Danielson was the top American finisher (9th overall) in the 2011 Tour de France. Please learn more about Tom’s story in the video below:

Nothing Less Than Ultimate Vision Performance

Technology Suited to High Demands

Since 2006, the ICL has been improving the vision of the bravest people in our nation under harsh conditions. In fact, surgeons in the (U.S.) military have implanted nearly 10,000 ICLs with exceptional results.

In a study consisting of military soldiers:

  • 96% of patients has 20/20 visual acuity or better
  • 99% were able to see the same as or better than before surgery wearing contacts or glasses

If the ICL can meet demands of soldiers in the U.S. military, imagine what it can do for you!

ICL Patient Testimonial Video